Tuesday, 20 November 2012

Blogger Interview Series- Mehak's Interview from peachesandblush.com

Blogger Interview Series-  Mehak's Interview from peachesandblush.com

Hello Everyone.....
A very warm Welcome to all my new readers...
As I told you before that I have started Blogger interview series on my blog....this is my sincere attempt to know many of the popular bloggers and their journey into blogging world...

So here we go with our first interview in this series..

I am so happy and delighted to interview our first blogger..Mehak from Peaches and Blush...
Some amazing reviews, nice OTDs, bridal series and lots of exciting stuff can be found on her blog...
She has also started Bridal shopping service...which you can know more about here...www.bridesbypb.com

Name- Mehak.S
Blog- Peachesandblush.com

When did you start blogging and how?
I started about 2 years back. It kind of started when i saw youtube videos of makeup gurus and got hooked on to products, and realised there werent enough indian voices on the scene ! sO I thought id lend my own
How was your blog named ?

Ugh. Peaches & Blush- well i wish i had some super interesting story behind this but honestly all names were taken ! Haha ! So i just put together my favourite blush- which is Peaches by Mac and my fav makeup product which is blush!

Who is/are your biggest inspiration/ns in this blogging world?

Oh definitely Karen from makeupandbeautyblog, Christine from Temptalia, Tanveer from Addicted to Blush and Cynthia from Indian Vanity case
What's your favourite outfit?
Im a very jeggings/ leggings person. So a long top, jeggins underneath and a slim belt over it in the summer. In winters i love layers. So cropped bomber jacket , mufflers, scarves etc
What are the five things you cannot leave the house without?
My keys, my wallet,a bottle of water, my sunglasses, and lipgloss
What according to you are the pros and cons of writing a fashion blog?
Pros- well you get a lot of exposure and you meet a whole lot of interesting people. A lot of opportunities come your way, which can take your career in a totally different direction. Its just a great outlet for your creativity, and for me atleast it was a whole different exciting life from my finance job.
Cons- i cant think of any except that if you want it to be a succesful blog, it needs a LOT of time. I think blogging is harder work than people realise. Like i need to make sure im posting everyday, im editing pictures, clicking pictures, planning out posts, replying to about a 100 emails, attending calls from PR people  etc- all of which is immensely time consuming. So between my real job, my blog and my personal shopping business i have literally no time.
How to increase readership to your blog?
I always say- number one, find your niche. There has to be something you do differently from the others- you could be the ones with the best photographs, or you could be the one with the best write ups or you could be the one with the best researched posts, but you need to find something you are the best at. Carve a niche for yourself that will make people come back to your blog- do something slightly different from the others.
Secondly- comment on other blogs, but not like "Hey, im having a giveaway"kind of comments. If you post intelligent, conversation starting comments you are bound to be noticed in sometime.
Thirdly embrace social media- get a facebook page, twitter and pinterest account asap!

What inspired you to start Bridal Series?
Well, it started as an exercise to keep me sane while planning my own wedding. It was almost kind of cathartic to write about stuff and what i was going through each month before D day approached. Before i realised i had all these readers who got so inolved that it almost felt like they were part of the whole celebrations. I loved it ! So it kind of took off from there, after my wedding i started focusing on other real brides and there stories. I then started a Bridal Shopping Service for NRI's which you can know more about here- www.bridesbypb.com
So yeah, its kind of become as important as beauty now-the bridal thing.

Does your family and friends know about your blogging popularity?
Yeah they do, but they always get surprised when my blog gets mentioned in the media sometime, or someone randomly comes up to me saying they recognise me from my blog etc. In the beginning they thought it was a waste of time, that im turning into a 'bimbo 'etc...but theyv realised this is something i love doing s theyr all quite supportive.

Where do you see yourself 5 years from now ?
Umm, lets see. I definitely see my bridal shopping service growing into a full blown organisation. I see me doing my blog full time, hopefully like a mini magazine, i dont know actually. I tend to take a day as it comes and not plan so far ahead.

Thank You so much Mehak for this amazing interview....
Lots of Best Wishes and Good luck !!!!